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Hurricane Jayne's



The Hurricane

The name “Hurricane Jayne” became Jayne’s nickname from very early in her childhood. She was very active growing up and had so much energy to keep running around and playing all day long. Being the youngest of 3 kids in her family, Jayne grew up going to her sibling’s sports games. Specifically, Jayne and her family spent a lot of time at the baseball and softball fields where she would run around for hours. Someone made the comment that she is like a hurricane, and she just never stops going. Ever since then the nickname stuck, and everyone close to her called her “Hurricane Jayne.”

The Harvester Club

Growing up across the street from each other, Sophia Cossitt-Levy, Jayne Whitman, Nora Schmitt, and James Schmitt immediately became family. Playing outside everyday after school was part of their day to day schedule which made the 4 of them the best of friends. These 4 kids called themselves the Harvester Club. Being creative, having fun, and living life is what made them so special. Whenever playing outside, it didn’t matter if you came to your house with dirty clothes or a scraped knee, all that mattered was having fun playing with each other. One activity that they loved doing all the time was riding their bikes up and down the street. When it came to thinking of what to put the money raised towards, Jayne wanted other kids to be able to experience the joy and happiness she got from riding her bike. They all worked together to make Jayne’s dream of running this fundraiser come true back in 2013. This tradition has made their friendship stronger and something they will remember doing together for the rest of their lives. Sophia, Jayne, Nora, and James have always counted on each other and had each other's backs all through their childhood. They have formed a relationship that can only be identified as being like brothers and sisters.



It's what's on the inside that counts

Anne and Ed Whitman wanted to teach their children the importance of giving back to others starting from a very young age. Their youngest daughter, Jayne, always loved the idea of giving back to people who are less fortunate than her. Having a creative outlook on life, Jayne wanted to do more than just a little lemonade stand and do something that would stand out in her community. Growing up with her good friends, Nora, James, and Sophia, the 4 of them would play outside every single day until dark. One of the activities they did a lot together was ride their bikes up and down the street. On June 29, 2013, the first annual Hurricane Jayne’s Ice Cream fundraiser took place. A few hours of the day would be spent on the Whitman’s front yard selling ice cream to everyone that came by to support. The money raised goes towards buying bicycles for less fortunate children for Christmas. Jayne hopes that her business, that she created at 9 years old, will inspire others to give back so they can be able to experience seeing someone smile by your goodness to the world.

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